Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
Favorite books
by StinkyPantz ini love
to read but i've recently gotten bored with it; mostly because i've read all of the books by my favorite authors: stephen king, dean koontz, mary higgins clark, john saul
james patterson.
Big Tex
If you like scary books, try "The List of Seven" by Mark Frost. He was the co-creator of "Twin Peaks". It was a good read, and the imagery was chilling.
If I should disappear...
by meat pie ini am not under the foundations of the latest quick-build.
it's that rotten b flippin t reckon we are up all night with the internet on 'typically using 12 hours of unmetered time'.
i have told them countless times that this is not possible, but apparently if we want to prove them wrong we have to pay 10 for the privelidge!
Big Tex
Is that anything like the M25?
by minimus inmost people never really change!
our personalities, whether we are active witnesses or are inactive ones, apostates or almost apostates, are the same.
if we tend to rant here on this board, the probability is we were ranters elsewhere.
Big Tex
Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same -- One Headlight, The Wallflowers
Oh Wow...I may have found a church to go to.....
by Lin ini must admit... to say that i may have found a church, actually .
feels somewhat strange to say.
with all the recent turmoil and pain .
Big Tex
We tend to find that we go to a place where we feel that we can relate to the way God is being worshipped and praised
I go to church it is my room an in my chair.. I reach over and there is my bible to read...there is my church !!!!!
And that's why we have chocolate and vanilla.
elders resolutions
by spider inthis question is inspired by a post just written by scully.
when resolutions were passed in my hall they always needed someone to second the motion and for there to a show of hands.
of course as a show of unity everyone would always dutifully raise them and the motion would be passed unanimously.
Big Tex
I only saw it happen once. Way back in our hall in 1977. There was firece disagreement between two sides: one who wanted Sunday meetings at 1:30 p.m. (it was our turn to have afternoon meetings) and the other who wanted Sunday meetings at 6:00 p.m. so they could watch the entire Dallas Cowboys games (VCRs were rare and expensive back then). It covered two entire Service Meetings before the football faction won out. Later when the Cowboys went to the Super Bowl and everyone found out it started at 5:30 p.m., we went through the whole thing again in order to change it to 1:30 p.m.
by minimus inremember, you had the truth!
everybody else didn't even have a clue!
the worldly people never understood our spiritual paradise.
Big Tex
Bless me Father for I have sinned
Ever Shun a JW?
by larc inmy jw sister and i are on good terms, and i talk to her on a regular basis.
on the other hand, i have a jw cousin who i hope never to talk to again.
i have only seen her once in 30 years and that was at my sister's daugher's wedding.
Big Tex
I am so angry for what you guys had to go through. My Bible says not even GOD offers forgiveness unless it's asked for, sincerely and with a broken heart. Where the hell do those pompous self-righteous hypocrites get off calling you in the back for anything? If this religon were really The Truth, those same "men" would have pulled that oily little pervert and his mommy and daddy into that same room and ordered them to kiss the ground you walk on as they move out to another congregation! Have these people no sense of common human decency? Stupid question, of course they don't.
I wish I'd gotten to know you guys a little better. But then I wasn't at meetings too much myself. I'd been through something similar years before. You're good people. And that's hard to find these days. I hope I'm not intruding too much, and please forgive me if I am, but from my own experience recovering from sexual abuse, I can tell you what means the most (more than anything in this world) is holding them and telling them you love them and what happened wasn't their fault. Over and over again.
by minimus ini was raised with a bookbag in my hand.
every saturday and sunday our family was out in service.i vacation, temporary and auxillary and regular pioneered.
i never enjoyed it but did it because i was supposed to do it.
Big Tex
1980: 42 days of 100 degrees or more in Dallas. My car had no air-conditioning. I was pioneering. I wore a tie knotted tightly at my neck and slacks made of wool. My meeting shoes were ruined on a street out in service because the black top was literally bubbling from the heat. Do I miss that? Ummmmm, no.
by UnDisfellowshipped inthis is, i believe, a very important scripture for jehovah's witnesses to read -- because it proves that in the mosaic law, there was a one-witness policy for rape!.
i want to give a huge thank you to "nanoprobe" for pointing this out on another thread!
i think everyone should ask the society about this scripture!.
Big Tex
A "Cruzan" is one who is native to or lives on the island of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. About the only thing manufactured these days on St. Croix is, you guessed it, Cruzan Rum.
It my memory it said something to the effect that Jehovah apparently viewed the assault of a male (homosexual rape) as worse than the assault of a woman (Vaginal Rape)
I don't recall that article and/or Question from Readers, but I'd love to read it. I agree it would be an insight into their thinking regarding the pedophile issue.
I've always agreed with the idea put forward by many theologians that Lot did this because of the absolute demands their society placed on hospitality to guests (the angels). If faced between having his guests gang raped or having his daughters gang raped, (as awful as either choice is) it would be consistent with what is known of Middle Eastern tribal culture that a guest must be protected and cared for above all else. If looked at from this perspective, male rape would not be considered worse than female rape, nor would Lot be considered a coward, but rather he would be attempting to the best of his ability to fulfill his obligations and responsibilities as host.